9.12.0 - support for JavaScript API for automation - support for On-Prem docker version 9.11.0 (9.8.6 on Intellij platform) - support for automatic word wrap, see Entity Styling and Text Styling in instructions for details - support for predefined text styling per entity type, i.e. note,message,box..., see Entity Styling in instructions for details - support for title line breaks, text style attributes, and double click to edit from diagram - more stringent limits for diagram source parsing (if you run into any issues, please don't hesitate to contact info@sequencediagram.org) - new notification banner - bugfix: double parsing when diagram is loaded from initial data with image participants in combination with font participants 9.10.0 (9.8.5 on Intellij platform) - support for image participants using data url 9.9.0 (9.8.4 on Intellij platform) - bugfix: edit popup is limited to 1K chars in intellij (increased to 100K chars) 9.9.0 (9.8.3 on Intellij platform) - support for styling border of participantgroup - support for sharing link with "shrink to fit" enabled 9.8.2 - bugfix: msal fails to load due to no CORS headers, switched to new microsoft CDN url for msal.js alcdn.msauth.net - ux: intellij plugin supports built in dark/contrast/light themes (if other themes are wanted please don't hesitate to contact info@sequencediagram.org) - ux: intellij plugin uses native dialogs and context menus - bugfix: intellij plugin, whole entry is not deleted when selected and delete pressed 9.8.1 - bugfix: File Reader (for legacy browsers) not opening files - bugfix: Export to... of svg files not working - ux: disabled File System buttons for legacy browsers and added title 9.8.0 - support for opening .sduml file extension in addition to .txt due to .sduml being used for the intellij plugin - more stringent input validation (if you run into any issues, please don't hesitate to contact info@sequencediagram.org) 9.7.2 - bugfix: indentation with tab key create space for selections and tab otherwise (changed to always use space and added support for shift+tab to de-indent) - bugfix: the end keyword is auto-completed with an additional space 9.7.1 - bugfix: cursor location moves to top when performing undo redo - bugfix: message arrow remains active when doring "mouse up" outside of diagram - bugfix: whole line is selected instead of only note text - bugfix: diagram is placed behind source editor when switching from presentation mode to edit mode - ux: enabled participant overlay on scroll by default, can be disabled using view menu (changed to default to reduce two clicks since most users preferring it enabled, can be moved to setting depending on feedback) - ux: moved collision areas for message arrows to the arrow head and tail to avoid accidental moving of messages when wanting to create a new message - ux: autoscroll diagram when creating messages and moving mouse outside of diagram - ux: improved wording for settings and File System open/save/export - ux: display error notifications in red - ux: auto select alias of participant when editing participant when there is no long name - ux: broader area for self reference messages 9.7.0 - Support for Font Awesome 6 (free icons only) 9.6.0 - migration from Google Sign-In platform library to the newer Google Identity Services library 9.5.0 - upgrade of material design icons to version 6.9.96 - bugfix: unicode code points of more than 4 chars don't pass input validation 9.4.3 - bugfix: using "Synchronize filename with title (legacy behavior)" breaks rendering in confluence 9.4.2 - bugfix: changed save flow as a workaround since calls to the save API on confluence only takes effect the first time, see: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-73538 - bugfix: confluence editor is closed when hitting the ESC key 9.4.1 - bugfix: fragment text labels are difficult to read 9.4.0 - support for File System Access API which allows opening and saving diagram files in their original location such as a cloned git repo, this includes svg files with embedded source text - support for enable / disable word wrap in source text 9.3.0 - support for shrink to fit for diagram UI (view -> skrink to fit, works for both edit and presentation mode) 9.2.3 - improvements of UI - upgrade of codemirror to version 5.63.0 9.2.2 - removed legacy versions due to security in combination with limited utilization, use internet archive for legacy versions if strictly needed 9.2.1 - bugfix: create message deactivates ongoing execution activated through autoactivation 9.2.0 - support for exported svg with embedded source text so that the svg files can be opened directly in the tool (the main desc element in the svg file is used to hold the source text) 9.1.3 - bugfix: svg export for self referencing messages is filled incorrectly 9.1.2 - bugfix: exporting svg diagrams including font awesome 5 icon as participants fails the export - upgrade of font awesome 5 to version 5.15.3 - upgrade of codemirror to version 5.60.0 - improvements of UI 9.1.1 - bugfix: editing text of messages by causes partly duplicated text - bugfix: some examples in instructions have incorrect backslashes 9.1.0 - support for weight for message arrows 9.0.3 - bugfix: href is not cleared in svg export after the element is drawn - bugfix: font underlining does not render correctly for some fonts in svg export 9.0.2 - bugfix: text area outside of browser window for low resolution screens - bugfix: message creation renders arrows in the wrong direction under some circumstances - bugfix: activation color not not rendered for autoactivation 9.0.1 - bugfix: Dual direction message not supported for create participant - bugfix: Participants created using message are added to the left instead of right of the source participant 9.0.0 - support for bottom participants - support for life line style with color, weight, and dashed/solid per participant and whole diagram - support for line color and line weight for participants - support for text difference (inverted text color) - support for text background - support for text stroke - support for font awesome 5 free icons as participants - support for moving participants by drag and drop - support for resizing text script source area east-west - support for Ctrl+O to open from default storage - support for double click to open diagrams from web storage - UI improvements - modal windows can be closed using ESC - added instructions for writing comments - bugfix: Parsing fails for empty participantgroups - deprecated lifeLineWeight since it is replaced with lifeLineStyling (available in legacy version 8.5.0) - deprecated lifeLineColor since it is replaced with lifeLineStyling (available in legacy version 8.5.0) - deprecated loading of remote images as participants (available in legacy version 8.5.0) - deprecated loading of remote text script source (available in legacy version 8.5.0) - deprecated jpg export (available in legacy version 8.5.0) 8.5.0 - support for editing both alias and long name of participants via double click - support for aligning diagram position with source text area - minor UI correction - bugfix: whitespaces are lost when importing the exported svg files into some applications 8.4.0 - support for strikethrough text styling 8.3.1 - bugfix: self message return response does not return back to previous activation activation level 8.3.0 - support for autoactivation (automatically create activations on request messages and deactives on response messages) 8.2.2 - bugfix: bad performance when in large diagrams with activations 8.2.1 - bugfix: monospace using "" not working on Windows OS 8.2.0 - support for angular box left and right 8.1.0 - support for read only presentation mode 8.0.3 - improved robustness for mouse over cursor inside the diagram 8.0.2 - bugfix: expandable doesn't work in combination with activation - bugfix: collapsed expandable breaks processing if no external participant remains - bugfix: fragments missing end entry are not marked as errors in the source editor 8.0.1 - moved instructions to an iframe to decrease loading time - usability improvements for changing file name via the top left input - bugfix: autosave triggers saveAs functionality 8.0.0 - support for Google Drive - support for OneDrive - support for autosave (not when diagram is saved to local disk) - support for failure messages: A-xB: failure message - entry editor can now be moved, Ctrl+Enter is used to save changes - new top bar with save status - alert for unsaved changes, may be disabled via settings - new Web Storage open dialog - filename is no longer synchronized with diagram title by default but may be enabled via settings - removed chrome API support (v7.6.1 is available for legacy) 7.6.1 - bugfix: links in participant names 7.6.0 - support for incoming and outgoing messages 7.5.0 - support for text styling - support for text styling - bugfix: line height is not calculated correctly for different font sizes 7.4.1 - improved presentation mode 7.4.0 - support for uri encoded share links 7.3.0 - support for frame which surrounds the diagram (uml compatibility) - support for search and replace in script area (see shortcut key commands in help) - replaced syntax error textarea with error markings in script area scrollbar - auto-complete behavior changes 7.2.3 - bugfix: selfref message with delay is not rendered correctly - bugfix: text not rendered in right place for create participant message with delay 7.2.2 - bugfix: participant overlay is not aligned with participants in diagram 7.2.1 - support for shortcut key commands: Save Ctrl+S (local storage and download folder), Presentation mode Ctrl+M 7.2.0 - support for participantgroup which allows grouping participants in boxes - support for links in editor and exported SVG documents (not available on backend version) - support for monospaced text using double quotes: ""this is monospaced"" - bugfix: undo / redo command is not aligned for Mac OS, should use Command key 7.1.7 - support for fragment label text color - bugfix: activation ends to late when participants are created 7.1.6 - bugfix: activation starts too early when participants are created 7.1.5 - bugfix: rendering of divider is cropped when diagram is smaller than divider 7.1.4 - bugfix: indentation in exported svg files is lost 7.1.3 - bugfix: not possible to separate par fragment into different threads 7.1.2 - bugfix: "\" can't be escaped for \n \r \t 7.1.1 - bugfix: switching on and off parallel has the same effect as leaving it on 7.1.0 - support for color on fragments - support for presentation mode 7.0.0 - support for non-instantaneous messages, aliases for participants can no longer start or end with ( or ), if needed, use: participant "(alice)" as alice 6.5.1 - bugfix: arrow head for async responses is dashed 6.5.0 - support for different mouse cursors depending on possible actions in the diagram 6.4.3 - bugfix: colors within messages and notes are not rendered correctly 6.4.2 - clicking outside of the edit entry popup now closes the popup and saves the changes - bugfix: using ctrl-z while editing an entry causes edit entry popup to be closed and triggers undo for the source editor 6.4.1 - changed to using fragment (#) instead of query parameter for URL share which means that diagram data no longer is sent over the Internet when URL share links are used 6.4.0 - support for styling text using color - support for destroysilent which stops the time line of a participant but does not render an X - bugfix: linear not working when participants aren't created earlier - bugfix: activation starts to early when a participant creating message has multi line text - bugfix: it is not possible to rename new created participants from the graph by double clicking 6.3.5 - bugfix: creating a new participant from a message and activating the participant renders the activation wrong 6.3.4 - bugfix: creating and destroying the same participant several times does not render the life line correctly 6.3.3 - bugfix: margin is too small between creating new messages and selecting existing messages 6.3.2 - bugfix: some fontawesome icons are rendered partly outside the diagram 6.3.1 - bugfix: divider fails when color is used 6.3.0 - support for participant create and destroy - support for active color, specifying a color that should be used for all activations of a participant - support for life line weight and color, specifying the line weight and color of participant life lines - bugfix: ref is not rendered correctly when entryspacing is used 6.2.1 - bugfix: clicking in the edit textbox deselect the selected entry causing update to fail - bugfix: message arrow starting and ending in the wrong posX if participants is not created before the message - bugfix: when clicking the participants button, participants are added after fragments 6.2.0 - extension API added allowing chrome extensions to call the following function on sequencediagram.org: EXPORT_SOURCE, EXPORT_PNG, EXPORT_SVG, note that this API is in beta so there may be changes and any feedback is highly appreciated, find an example extension utilizing the API here: http://sequencediagram.org/chromeextension.zip - bugfix: selecting an entry and then selecting text and pressing the delete key does not delete all selected text, instead only the selected entry is deleted - bugfix: fragments inside expandables are painted even though the expandables are collapsed - bugfix: auto complete is triggered for paste action 6.1.1 - bugfix: expandable painting when collapsed and text is short is incorrect - minor layout changes 6.1.0 - support for "Font Awesome" and "Material Design Icons" fonts as participant icons - bugfix: autocompletion is triggered for cut and paste 6.0.0 - support for reference, replacing the old incorrect ref fragment, if the old behavior is wanted, use 'group ref' - support for expandable which allows for expanding or collapsing a portion of the diagram - support for group fragment which allows for custom labels 5.0.2 - changed auto complete behavior 5.0.1 - bugfix: editor focus and blur issues when diagram is clicked - bugfix: entityspacing missing from autocomplete - bugfix: URL sharing fails to find source text 5.0.0 - editor with syntax highlighting - support for autocompletion using ctrl+space 4.7.1 - simpler start example diagram (the large example diagram is added to the instructions area instead) - instructions and pointer for that syntax errors can be clicked to see where in the source the problem is 4.7.0 - support for activation av participant time lines using keyword activate participantName and deactivate participantName - support for adding additional space between entries using the space keyword (may be used together with activations to create a desired behavior) 4.6.3 - bugfix: pressing minus when naming a diagram triggers entrySpacing to change - bugfix: default font not defined on initial render 4.6.2 - changed share url function to handle https origin 4.6.1 - bugfix: creating fragments first in the diagram without specifying participants causes faulty rendering of fragment 4.6.0 - support for changing over-single-participant notes/boxes/... into over-multiple-participants and back using drag and drop - context menu split into categories - selecting participant declaration in source text when selecting it in the diagram - selecting erroneous lines in source text when clicking its error in the syntax error box - scrolling window when a selected entry is moved outside of the window - bugfix: clicking outside of entry being edited opens extra edit dialog 4.5.0 - support for storing diagrams in the web browser local storage 4.4.0 - support for displaying a participant overlay showing which line which participant belongs to in large diagrams 4.3.0 - support for specifying font used in the diagram using the fontfamily keyword 4.2.2 - checking for initialData before displaying default data in source textarea 4.2.1 - bugfix: positioning of divider when no participants have been declared before it is incorrect 4.2.0 - support for multiline participant names: participant "long\nname" as Alice 4.1.0 - added instructions, see "?" icon on the top left - made it easier to create self ref messages - support for indentation of lines 4.0.1 - made collision area wider when moving entries - made edit box (when double clicking on entries) larger - bugfix: clicking quickly on different items triggers double click operation 4.0.0 - Text style support added for: bold, italic, small, big (using double space to create small text is removed and replaced with --small text-- - For messages, only areas covered with text now have white background 3.7.0 - beta feature: load diagram from http server, any feedback on this API is highly appreciated * must as usual be accessed by a browser that can run the javascript to render the diagram * the http(s) server must answer with http header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * * the file must be text/plain * option 1, generate diagram into edit mode: http://sequencediagram.org/index.html?initialData=https://myhttpserver.example.org/diagramfile.txt * option 2, generate png and set it as as window.location.href: http://sequencediagram.org/index.html?format=png&initialData=https://myhttpserver.example.org/diagramfile.txt - bugfix: rendering messages over several participants miscalculates distance under special circumstances 3.6.1 - bigger syntax error textarea - bugfix: fragments missing end statement causes creation of messages via drag-n-drop to stop working 3.6.0 - name of actor, control etc is displayed below the participant icon - bugfix: self ref message with short text has to narrow collision area - bugfix: participant names in svg export are not on correct height when exporting using firefox 3.5.3 - bugfix: collision detection of divider when there is only a single participant - bugfix: self ref message with long text has to wide collision area 3.5.2 - bugfix: self reference messages are clipped when rightmost in the diagram and participant name is short - bugfix: creating notes via context menu fails - bugfix: some participant types are missing side margin 3.5.1 - bugfix: deleting participants deletes divider - bugfix: linear breaking when there are multiple line breaks between message entries 3.5.0 - support for rounded box(rbox), angular box (abox), and box (box), they are used in the same way as notes, i.e., over, left of, right of 3.4.0 - support for actor, control, database, entity, and boundary participants (loading images into the diagram is still supported but they will only be URLs inside SVG export) - added par fragment to the right click menu - updated the instruction diagram 3.3.0 - diagram can be exported as svg image 3.2.0 - support for parallel statement 3.1.3 - bugfix: linear not working when there are line breaks between linear entries 3.1.2 - linear messages are now always at same y position 3.1.1 - bugfix: linear not working when there are spaces or color in the message type 3.1.0 - undo redo support in all browsers with 100 levels via ctrl+z / ctrl+y (ctrl+shift+z) 3.0.1 - updated instructions in diagram - collision is detected on the lines of note over 3.0.0 - entries support drag and drop inside the diagram after they have been created 2.7.0 - Spacing between participants can be set using: participantspacing equal or participantspacing 23.5 2.6.3 - autonumber no longer resets the count automatically when adding a second autonumber statement (note: use autonumber 1 if the behavior is wanted) 2.6.2 - images in the diagram are cached in the browser until URL is changed or removed 2.6.1 - protection against Firefox unordered task execution 2.6.0 - spacing between entries in y axis can be set using: entryspacing 2.5 2.5.1 - bugfix: Divider edit dialog 2.5.0 - open source file support 2.4.4 - color support for messages 2.4.3 - bugfix: Interaction out of sync when top bar is hidden 2.4.2 - support for editing fragments 2.4.1 - syntax errors text box is moved when top bar is hidden 2.4.0 - syntax errors are displayed in text box added ... .. .